Prairie Rates

Prices for a basic website created & uploaded by the Webmaster start at $45.00.
That is a one-time fee for a basic one page site hosted with a free website host.

Perhaps you would prefer to have a page on the site.
Their basic fees start at $10.00 per month when purchasing a yearly package.
The design fees and the uploading fees are all included in that price.

The table below outlines the pricing guidelines used by the Prairie Webmaster.
We believe that our prices are among the most reasonable available anywhere.
Note that these prices are guidelines only - prices will vary for more complex sites.

Basic Design Rates
Register with website host and upload site $25.00  
Basic one page website design fees
See example
Contains one graphic and contact information
$20.00 Cost to design & upload
"Package 1" website design fees
See example
Contains one graphic and up to 5 thumbnails and 5 links
$30.00 Cost to design & upload
"Package 2" website design fees
See example
Contains up to 3 pages with up to 15 thumbnails and 10 links
$40.00 Cost to design & upload
Additional Options and Costs
Additional pages (price per page) $15.00  
Additional thumbnails (price per thumbnail) $5.00  
Establish eCommerce capabilities to have a site capable
of receiving secure payment online with the PayPal system
(You would pay them less than 5% once established)
Add a forum to the website $20.00  
Add a guestbook to the website $20.00  
Add a counter to the website
You can get a basic counter or
pay for a more sophisticated tracking system
Add a webring to the website
(assuming we can find an appropriate webring)
Submit site to search engines
(this is not the paid registration - it will take
6 - 8 weeks for the search engines to process and you
may not necessarily be at the top of the search results)
Placing a reciprocal link to
(you benefit from promotional activities)
No charge  
To have your own domain name and/or an "ad-free" site
Website host fees (priced per month)
Prices based on best we could find (many options in between)
From 3 MB space
to 475 MB space
priced per month
Perform "name search" and register
your personal domain name
(for example "")
price for year

  You can reduce your costs:
    - you do not have to have your own domain name
    - you can choose to go with free space with a web host but be aware that the resulting site will have
banner ads and popups that are under the control of the website host (Geocities or Angelfire for example)

To help you understand the size:
    the Webmaster site (2 pages) is 100KB.

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